We have arranged 2 Busses and a MiniBus, driving between schools and Sport Gyms.
The Busses are named Yellow and Blue, according to their color. Please keep in mind to take the right, otherwise you might end up in the other end of the town and need to walk back.
The Yellow bus uses Letters ad ID, The Bue numbers as ID.
Please be ready at the given timeslot, otherwise some will get late to the Gyms.
BUS Plans:
Shuttle Service Saturday morning.
Shuttle Service Saturday Evening
Shuttle Service Sunday Morning (NEW)
The busses will stop close to both Schools and Sport Gyms.
BusStops :
Dalum. The bus stops outside the main entrance to the school.

Dyrup: The bus stops at the churchs parking lot.

Hjallese: The bus stops at the main entrance to the School.

Hunderup: The bus stops at the Parking lot.

Klostermark: The bus stop at the beginning of the Parking lot.

Sanderum: The bus stop near the cross Sanderumvej and Væddeløbsvej.